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Sand for sale

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Aggregatemarkets.com offers sand sales with transportation for small consumers in Northen Indiana and the surrounding areas. Our product range includes construction sand, sandbox sand, fill sand, and screened sand. Sand is a fine-grained sediment composed mainly of minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and other particles. Sand is a widely used mineral resource found almost everywhere in USA. The highest demand for sand is in the construction sector, where it is used in mortar production, as filler in concrete, reinforced concrete, and asphalt concrete, as fill material in road construction, and as an additive in the cement industry. Sand is also suitable for sandbox filling and paving stone installation for gardeners.


Construction Sand

Construction sand is sand that does not contain excessively fine or coarse grains and is free of organic matter. Construction sand is an ideal material for various construction-related activities, including cement and mortar production, concrete filling, road construction, paving, etc.


Sandbox Sand

Sandbox sand is suitable for building children's playgrounds. When buying sandbox sand, customers should consider the following parameters: for a sandbox measuring 1.5 x 1.5 meters and 25 centimeters in height, approximately 0.5 cubic meters or about 0.84 tons of sand is needed. The specific weight of sand is approximately 1m3 = 1.3-1.4 tons. If you are unsure how much sand is needed for a specific sandbox, please  use our calculator or contact our customer service!


Fill Sand

Fill sand is sand that does not meet the requirements of construction sand mentioned above. Fill sand is suitable for places where sand quality is not critical. Fill sand is used, for example, for filling water, sewage, and gas pipelines, and as a base fill material for landscaping roads and platforms.


Screened Sand

Screened sand is sand that has been uniformly dried and sieved to remove rocks, clay, and organic matter. Screened sand is of higher quality and finer grain. Screened sand is also used as aggregate and fill material in road construction.

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